Friday, January 24, 2020

Homosexuality in the Works of Oscar Wilde Essay -- Biography Biographi

Homosexuality in Oscar Wilde's Work      Ã‚  Ã‚   "I turned half way around and saw Dorian Gray for the first time. I knew that I had come face to face with someone whose mere personality was so fascinating that, if I allowed it to do so, it would absorb my whole nature, my whole soul, my very art itself" (7). During the Victorian era, this was a dangerous quote. The Victorian era was about progress. It was an attempt aimed at cleaning up the society and setting a moral standard. The Victorian era was a time of relative peace and economic stability (Marshall 783). Victorians did not want anything "unclean" or "unacceptable" to interfere with their idea of perfection. Therefore, this quote, taken from Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray, brimming with homosexual undertones, was considered inappropriate. Due to the time period's standards, Oscar Wilde was forced to hide behind a thin layer of inference and parallel. Wilde was obsessed with the perfect image. Although he dressed more flamboyantly than the contemporary dress, it was to create an image of himself. Wilde was terrified of revealing his homosexuality because he knew that he would be alienated and ostracized from the society. Through his works, Oscar Wilde implicitly reflected his homosexual lifestyle because he feared the repercussions from the conservative Victorian era in which he lived.    Oscar Wilde was born in 1854 and led a normal childhood. After high school, Wilde attended Oxford College and received a B.A. in 1878. During this time, he wrote Vera and The Importance of Being Earnest. In addition, "for two years Wilde had dressed in outlandish outfits, courted famous people and built his public image" (Stayley 317). Doing so earned Wilde a job with Rich..., to make no mystery of his fall, and to regard him as a star which, looking at its own reflection in some dank marsh, fell down and smirched itself, and then became extinct ere it had time to soar aloft again" (Graham qtd. Tucker).       Work Cited Wilde, Oscar. The Portable Oscar Wilde. Aldington, Richard, ed. New York: Penguin Books, 1977. "The Making of the Motion Picture Wilde." (Online)(Internet) Samuelson Entertainment. 6/16/99. Available: Kilvert, Ian Scott, ed. British Writers. Vol. 5. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1982. Marshall, Kristine E., ed. Elements of Literature. New York: Harcourt Brace and Company, 1997. Stayley, Thomas T., ed. The Dictionary of Literary Biograph. Vol. 34. Michigan: Book Tower, 1985. Wilde, Oscar. The Picture of Dorian Gray. New York: The Modern Library, 1992.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Revenue and Volume Variance

Polysar CASE Group 3 †¢ Polysar Limited – Established on 1942, Now employed 6,650 people – Structure : Basic Petrochemicals, Rubber, Diversified Products †¢ Rubber Group is Profit Center – Rubber Group produced 46% of Polysar sales Group 3 – 2/13 †¢ NASA – Sarnia 1 Plant : Produce Butyl & HaloButyl > HaloButyl (from 1984) – Sarnia 2 Plant : Produce Butyl (operation 1984) 1) 1984 : 95,000 t 2) 1985 : 65,000 t †¢ EROW – Antwel plant : Produce Butyl & HaloButyl (1964, 1979 modified) 1) 1981 : Prduced Butyl(75%) & HaloButyl(25%) 2) 1985 : Prduced Butyl(50%, 45,000t), HaloButyl(50%, 45,000t) Transfer NASA to ERROW : Butyl(21,000t)Group 3 – 3/13 Q1. The meaning and accuracy of the volume variance. †¢ NASA Rubber Division? Sales Performance(1986) Actual Net sales Revenue 63,239,000 Budget 58,660,000 Deviation 4,579,000 exceed 3,735,000 exceed Gross Margin ? Sales Volume Up 40,945,000 37,210,000 ? Feedstock Cost Down Group 3 – 4/13 †¢ NASA Rubber Division – Net Contribution(1986) Actual Budget Deviation Volume Variance – 11,375,000 -6,125,000 5,250,000 U Gross Profit / NSR 8. 2% 13. 7% -5. 5% Net Contribution – 876,000 2,005,000 -2,881,000 Group 3 – 5/13 †¢ Volume Variance ? Volume Standard Fixed ? Actual Tonnes Produced Variance Cost Per Tonne ? ( + Demonstrated Capacity ) – (? ) – Sarnia 2 (1984) – ? ? NASA to EROW Group 3 – 6/13 Q2. The best sales and production strategy for EROW Division, NASA Division and the Rubber Group in Total. †¢ EROW Division Strategy Transfer Advantage (From NASA) Feedstock – Halobutyl ( )? Group 3 – 7/13 Accurate Budgeting †¢ NASA Division Strategy Volume Variance? NASA? Not Transfer Reach Capacity SARNIA 2? Production Capacity? 95,000? (1984) 65,000(1986)? Group 3 – 8/13 †¢ The Rubber Group Strategy Be a leader in high margin, specialty rubbers Main Strategy , ? 1) Transfer? (Regional Service) 2) 3) ? Group 3 – 9/13 Q3. Management accounting performance system to improve the reporting and evaluation of the Rubber Group performance will be raised. Strategy Group 3 – 10/13 Strategy ? ? Transfer > > Transfer ? Negotiation Price Group 3 – 11/13 †¢ ( ) Strategy SARIN 2 Product Volume Variance N N N Gross Profit / NSR E N Net Contribution E 1986 65,000 t 1987 95,000 t Improve 35,000 t 5,250,000 – 11,375,000 -6,125,000 8. 2% 35. 7% – 876,000 22,661,000 13. 7% 5. 5% 35. 7% 2,005,000 22,661,000 2,881,000 Be a leader in high margin, specialty rubbers Group 3 – 12/13 The End

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Conflict Management Skills Free Essay Example, 2250 words

As the paper outlines, conflict management skills include assertiveness, listening skills, empathy, and a win/win approach. In conflict management, assertiveness should not in any way be compared with aggressiveness. Assertiveness is the ability to express one s feelings and assert one s right in a way that is respectful of the feelings and rights of others. The reason why assertiveness may be equated with aggressiveness lies in the fact they are both direct ways of expressing one s needs. They involve people standing up for their rights. Still, assertiveness recognizes and respects the other person with whom one is involved in a conflict with. In such a case one often respects his/herself and assumes the best about the other person. The consequence of this is that they look for a win-win situation and thus reach a compromise. This is in total contrast with aggressiveness where disrespectful, manipulative, or abusive behavior is employed. In most cases, aggressiveness is retaliatory without taking into consideration the other person s point of view. Its goal does not lie in the effective resolution of a conflict rather in just the expression of emotions. We will write a custom essay sample on Conflict Management Skills or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page As they talk no unrelated issues should be brought forth. Moreover, he should be able to repeat and clarify what he wants from the man. (Greenfield 1998) Again, the managers/employers or even fellow employees need to employ what is referred to as active listening skills. In active listening, the aim is to try and understand what the other person is saying. This involves paraphrasing what the other person is saying in order to communicate that one really understands what the other is saying.